Insulating Additive (Five 1lb Bags)

New Insuladd Bags

Insulating Additive (Five 1lb Bags)


Taking care of small paint jobs at home?

Mix 5 individual Insuladd® additives with 5 gallons of paint!

Category: .

Disclaimer: Insuladd is not to be used or added to any industrial urethane, industrial epoxy, industrial tank lining, industrial primer, industrial enamel or industrial high temperature coating with the express written consent of Insuladd Environmental Products Ltd.

1 lb per gallon and two coats.

Product Description

Insuladd® insulating paint additive has been making homes, businesses, warehouses, ships, etc. more energy efficient for over a decade. Homeowners and building contractors have proven Insuladd paint additive is not only highly effective in making insulating paint, it’s simple to use for ay homeowner. Worldwide users of Insuladd® insulating additive such as the Climatic Test Branch of the U.S. Missile Command, Pratt & Whitney Aerospace, Hyundai, Samsung, The U.S. Navy, The U.S. Coast Guard along with 1,000′s of homeowners have proven Insuladd’s value as an insulating paint additive under the most intense conditions.

You have probably seen a number of “Insulating paint additives” or “ceramic additives” advertised on the internet. The sellers (they do not manufacture) of these products make claims to connections with NASA and speak of their many, many years of experience with ceramic and thermal technology however the lack of available test data for these claims is quite evident.

Most website companies or “manufacturers” of “insulating paints” and “insulating additives” cannot even clearly explain how they work. This is in most cases due to the simple fact that their products don’t!

The Space Shuttle program brought awareness of ceramic insulating technology to the general public. There are literally thousands of types of ceramic microspheres available. These microspheres are commonly used in the plastics industries as lightweight fillers. Many companies jumped into the paint marketplace selling “ceramic insulating technology” by simply adding these readily available ceramic microspheres to ordinary house paints. Usually claims for great “insulating” properties are made however there is usually no test data available to verify these statements!

Most sellers of “ceramic technology” make great efforts to show you neat graphics of ceramic microspheres and to discuss “vacuums” and other seemingly important “facts” without actually explaining how common house paint with off the shelf ceramic microspheres could enhance the energy efficiency of a home.

The facts are that off the shelf microspheres do not provide any thermal benefits to the paint to which they have been added or to the home to which that paint has been applied!

Insuladd® is different from the “competition because it was designed at the outset as an additive that would enhance the thermal reflective properties of the paints and coatings to which it has been added. Insuladd® has been tested to prove its effectiveness and those tests are available for review on our website. (You won’t see this on the others sites!)

Insuladd® adds a very high thermal reflective factor to paint as well as a very high “broad spectrum” thermal emissivity to the paint to which it has been added.

Think of Insuladd® as a mirror (invisible mirror) that reflects heat. Heat that escapes your home in winter when outside air temperatures are cold and that enters your home in the summer when outside air temperatures are hot. Thermal paints do not work in the same manner as fiberglass and foam insulation however they accomplish the same thing which is the reduction or heat loss (winter) and heat gain (summer) into your home.

Insuladd® was actually (really!) developed via the NASA technology exchange program.
(We can prove it!)


Insuladd products have been featured by the Media on TV shows such as HGTV, Fine Living, HSN, Discovery Channel.