See it work

The picture above is a thermo graphic image showing the areas of high heat loss (red and yellow) from a home. You will notice the roof shows up blue which means that there is little heat loss from this area.
Insuladd reduces unwanted radiant heat loss and heat gain into a structure. If the home above were painted with Insuladd all but the windows would show up blue in a thermo graphic image meaning less heat loss from the walls painted with Insuladd in winter and less heat gain in summer and thus a more energy efficient home.
In the above photo you can see the building in the back ground is glowing yellow and red where heat is being lost by being radiated out of the structure. In the foreground you will see a well-insulated building complete with low-e glass which shows up in cool blues and green meaning little heat loss. thus a more energy efficient home.
As you can see from the visual references above, Insuladd radiant barrier paints and heat blocking additives are true high performance insulating house paint products. You can easily improve your effective home insulation with our unique home insulation insulating paints, insulating paint additives, and radiant barrier paints. The benefits you get from the use of Insuladd insulating house paints and insulating paint additives is clearly seen in the above pictures and is well documented on our websites.
Use the original and most trusted product in the insulating paints and insulating additives market. Use Insuladd……..don’t just paint when you can easily and inexpensively insulate as you paint!
Above: Thermal view of bedroom ceiling before Insuladd.
Above: Regular view of bedroom ceiling painted with normal house paint.
Above: Thermal view of ceiling. The bright area is painted with regular house paint. The cooler blue/orange square above is the area painted with Insuladd RBC Radiant Barrier Coating. (It’s the grey area on ceiling picture below)
The cool blue stripe above is the area of the ceiling painted with Insuladd RBC radiant barrier coating.
Grey stripe of ceiling above is the Insuladd RBC radiant barrier coating. The RBC will be painted over with regular house paint with Insuladd insulating additive for paint added. Once completed it will look just like a normal ceiling painted with ordinary house paint!
As you can see from the infrared pictures shown above, the reduction of heat getting into the room through the ceiling is going to be greatly reduced from the use of Insuladd RBC Barrier Coating. Similar results would be achieved through the use of Insuladd Insulating Additive for paint. The above pictures are from a top-floor condominium unit where heat gain into the living area was really severe. The home owner opted for the ultimate Insuladd system in order to solve this problem!
- Apply Insuladd RBC Radiant Barrier Coating as a primer.
- Finish up by painting with regular house paint with Insuladd insulating additive for paint added into the paint.
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